CSS Minifier/Compressor Online

The 'best practice' of many developers is to maintain a 'beautified' version, and when rolling out their project will run the styles through a minification program. They will also combine their many style files into one file.
Why use CSS Minifier?
The purpose of minification is to increase the speed of a website. Minimization can make a script up to 20% smaller, resulting in a faster download time. Some dev elopers will also use it to 'obfuscate' their code. This makes it difficult for the code to be read, making it more difficult to reverse engineer or copy.It is also common practice to combine all the CSS files for a single website into one file. This has a number of benefits. It reduces the number of HTTP r equest that need to be made to get all the elements of a website. It also makes minification and gzip compression more effective.
Compresses a CSS string/file with no possible side-effect.
- Removes useless white spaces, indentation characters and line breaks
- Strips all comments
- Removes the last semi-colon of a style declaration and extra semi-colons
- Removes empty CSS declarations
- Removes units when using zero values
- Removes the leading 0 if a float value is lower than one
- Chances RGB color values to a shorter hexadecimal format
- Hexadecimal colors following the pattern #AABBCC are reduced to #ABC
- Keeps a single charset per CSS file removing all extra declarations
- None values are converted to 0 whenever safe to do so
Website Tools
KURS ❤ Word Counter ❤ Code Parser ❤ Color Picker ❤ CSS Minifier ❤ Google Drive Generator ❤ Slug Generator ❤ Compress Image ❤ Kode HTML ❤ Analisis SEO Tool (Keywords) ❤ SEO Artikel Google ❤ Spinner Artikel ❤ TikTok Downloader ❤ YouTube to mp3
KURS ❤ Word Counter ❤ Code Parser ❤ Color Picker ❤ CSS Minifier ❤ Google Drive Generator ❤ Slug Generator ❤ Compress Image ❤ Kode HTML ❤ Analisis SEO Tool (Keywords) ❤ SEO Artikel Google ❤ Spinner Artikel ❤ TikTok Downloader ❤ YouTube to mp3